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FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).

Our Services

YouRDental Group
Yang Li and Rong Zhang DDS

West LA Office
1511 Brockton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel:      1-310-826-5888
Text/Wechat:   1-310-985-4975

SF/Northridge Office
Please call: 1-310-985-1875
or visit
for more info.



Please check our Available Appointment Time and make your reservation below. Please note:

  • We will contact you within 8 business hour to confirm your reservation.
  • The customers will take the responsibility for missing an appointment if their contact information is invalid.
  • There is NO penalty if you cancel an appointment 24hours ahead. We do appreciate you contact us when you decide to cancel an appointment.

Your Name:
Your email address:
Your phone number:
Your note
(preferred time &
Insurence? Yes
New Visitor? Yes